Ver morir a tu mascota es uno de los momentos más desgarradores de la vida, especialmente cuando tienes 6 años y debes despedir a quien ha estado a tu lado durante toda tu vida.

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Eso fue lo que le ocurrió a la niña Lynn Bakker de Den Helder, nacida en Holanda, quien desde su nacimiento tuvo en Jaden, su perro bulldog, un constante compañero y mejor amigo.

Este perrito ya contaba con 7 años cuando nació Bakker, por lo que, cuando esta niña cumplió los 6 años y quería jugar, Jaden tenía 13 años y ya estaba lento, sordo, ciego y apenas podía caminar.

El padre de Bakker, Jeffrey, llevó a Jaden al veterinario, quien le comentó que, para la comodidad del perro, tendría que ser puesto a dormir.

«Lynn podía hacer cualquier cosa con Jaden, él le permitía hacer cualquier cosa: sentarse en él, poner accesorios en él, lo que llevó a algunas fotos muy divertidas»

El padre elaboró un registro fotográfico de sobre la amistad especial entre su hija y su perro, lo que le permitió capturar el impacto que puede tener un perro en el desarrollo de los niños, enseñándoles a ser pacientes y compasivos, e incluso aumentar su confianza.

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Pero, además, tener una mascota les enseña a los niños el valor de la vida.  Jaden el bulldog siempre estuvo al lado de Lynn Bakker. 

PIC BY JEFFREY BAKKER / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Lynn Bakker with her dog Jaden.) - This is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. With tears in her eyes and her head touching his, Lynn lies on a blanket next to her pet bulldog Jaden in a touching last photo taken moments before he passed away. Lynn had known her dog Jaden, 13, since the moment she was born. Their friendship was so special, it was even documented in newspapers and magazines across the world. The dynamic duo, from Der Helder, Holland, were the best of friends barely leaving one anothers side as they walked together, played together and snuggleThis is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. - SEE CATERS COPY

Desde que Bakker nació, Jaden estuvo allí para jugar, explorar, o simplemente ser un gran bulto caliente al lado de ella.

PIC BY JEFFREY BAKKER / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Lynn Bakker with her dog Jaden.) - This is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. With tears in her eyes and her head touching his, Lynn lies on a blanket next to her pet bulldog Jaden in a touching last photo taken moments before he passed away. Lynn had known her dog Jaden, 13, since the moment she was born. Their friendship was so special, it was even documented in newspapers and magazines across the world. The dynamic duo, from Der Helder, Holland, were the best of friends barely leaving one anothers side as they walked together, played together and snuggleThis is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. - SEE CATERS COPY

Su padre Jeffrey documentó su amistad en las fotos, y capturó toda la alegría y la dulzura que viene con la conexión entre un niño y un perro.

PIC FROM JEFFREY BAKKER / CATERS NEWS - (Pictured: Lynn Bakker with her dog Jaden.) This is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. With tears in her eyes and her head touching his, Lynn lies on a blanket next to her pet bulldog Jaden in a touching last photo taken moments before he passed away. Lynn had known her dog Jaden, 13, since the moment she was born. Their friendship was so special, it was even documented in newspapers and magazines across the world. The dynamic duo, from Der Helder, Holland, were the best of friends barely leaving one anothers side as they walked together, played together and snuggleThis is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. - SEE CATERS COPY

De vez en cuando, Jaden estaba dispuesto a jugar. Pero estaba envejeciendo.

PIC BY JEFFREY BAKKER / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Lynn Bakker with her dog Jaden.) - This is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. With tears in her eyes and her head touching his, Lynn lies on a blanket next to her pet bulldog Jaden in a touching last photo taken moments before he passed away. Lynn had known her dog Jaden, 13, since the moment she was born. Their friendship was so special, it was even documented in newspapers and magazines across the world. The dynamic duo, from Der Helder, Holland, were the best of friends barely leaving one anothers side as they walked together, played together and snuggleThis is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. - SEE CATERS COPY

«Jaden se había vuelto muy viejo», dijo Jeffrey Bakker. «Tenía 13 años y medio y apenas era capaz de caminar. Tuvimos que ponerlo a dormir”.

PIC FROM JEFFREY BAKKER / CATERS NEWS - (Pictured: Lynn Bakker with her dog Jaden.) This is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. With tears in her eyes and her head touching his, Lynn lies on a blanket next to her pet bulldog Jaden in a touching last photo taken moments before he passed away. Lynn had known her dog Jaden, 13, since the moment she was born. Their friendship was so special, it was even documented in newspapers and magazines across the world. The dynamic duo, from Der Helder, Holland, were the best of friends barely leaving one anothers side as they walked together, played together and snuggleThis is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. - SEE CATERS COPY

Antes de que Jaden falleciera, decidió capturar los últimos momentos de ternura, de la amistad.

PIC BY JEFFREY BAKKER / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Lynn Bakker with her dog Jaden reading an article of them both.) - This is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. With tears in her eyes and her head touching his, Lynn lies on a blanket next to her pet bulldog Jaden in a touching last photo taken moments before he passed away. Lynn had known her dog Jaden, 13, since the moment she was born. Their friendship was so special, it was even documented in newspapers and magazines across the world. The dynamic duo, from Der Helder, Holland, were the best of friends barely leaving one anothers side as they walked together, played together and snuggleThis is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. - SEE CATERS COPY

«Lynn es joven y yo no quería olvidar su especial amistad con Jaden», dijo.

PIC BY JEFFREY BAKKER / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Lynn Bakker lies next to her dog Jaden in his final moments.) - This is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. With tears in her eyes and her head touching his, Lynn lies on a blanket next to her pet bulldog Jaden in a touching last photo taken moments before he passed away. Lynn had known her dog Jaden, 13, since the moment she was born. Their friendship was so special, it was even documented in newspapers and magazines across the world. The dynamic duo, from Der Helder, Holland, were the best of friends barely leaving one anothers side as they walked together, played together and snuggleThis is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. - SEE CATERS COPY

Las fotos se hicieron virales rápidamente a través de Internet, llegando a los corazones de personas en todo el mundo.

Cuando se trataba de los últimos momentos de Jaden, Lynn estaba allí con él.

Naturalmente, ella estaba devastada al ver que se iba, pero su padre sostiene que este momento, no importa cuán difícil sea, es algo que tiene que experimentar.

PIC BY JEFFREY BAKKER / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Lynn Bakker with her dog Jaden.) - This is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. With tears in her eyes and her head touching his, Lynn lies on a blanket next to her pet bulldog Jaden in a touching last photo taken moments before he passed away. Lynn had known her dog Jaden, 13, since the moment she was born. Their friendship was so special, it was even documented in newspapers and magazines across the world. The dynamic duo, from Der Helder, Holland, were the best of friends barely leaving one anothers side as they walked together, played together and snuggleThis is the heart-breaking photo of a little girl saying goodbye to her four-legged best friend who died just a day after her sixth birthday. - SEE CATERS COPY

«Esta es la vida y, por desgracia, se pierde la gente que amamos. Era importante para Lynn entenderlo y tener la oportunidad de decir adiós», aseveró el padre.

HT – Littlethings